Course Areas

The short eLearning modules are able to be fully integrated into your current Learning Management System or delivered as a stand alone application. 

our focus

Help achieve goals of the students and university

There are currently over 22 million college students throughout the United States. These students will be receiving some of the best education the world has to offer. College is a major chapter in one’s life for learning and growing as an individual. There are still many life skills that are not necessarily taught. These skills can be life changing for today and the future of the student’s life…That’s where we come in.

our courses

We help universities to overcome obstacles they face with students

Social Media

Exploring the positives and negatives of a student’s image on social networks and how it reflects on the university and their future.


Celebrating diversity through proper communication and tolerance of each other throughout campus.

Financial Literacy

Creating a well-rounded view of personal finance to help students through their college career.

The Good, Bad & Ugly

A variety of lessons on what life can throw at you and how to bounce back.

Sexual Awareness

Discusses real life situations encompassing what is consent, sexual harassment and assault to risk reduction and more.

Drugs & Alcohol

Creating awareness about the consequences of the misuse of drugs, alcohol and how addiction affects students.

Student Athletes

Addressing specific needs of student athletes through the reinforcement regarding compliance issues and responsibilities.

Safety & Security

Keeping students safe on and off campus including everything from lock downs to getting your bike stolen.

Join us!

Our library is always evolving and continues to grow as new issues arise.
experience excellence

Mental Health Training

We have taken a passionate stance on helping students who are battling the inner struggle of mental health and in particular overcoming suicidal thoughts and actions. We are working with amazing young people to get the message out. Emma Jedow is a great example of one of these people.

Emma Jedow is a passionate singer, songwriter, musician, and advocate for mental health. In her music video, “The Death of a Taylor Swift Wannabe,” the 16-year-old singer-songwriter is taking a brave and bold approach to shining a light on the growing epidemic of teen suicide and social media bullying.